and Photos from Joe Mallozzi's blog - Season 4:
Earth and Offworld
If Joe Mallozzi has not provided details of what the photos
are of or which episode they are from on his blog, I have tried to fill in the
blanks. If I have missed anything or got something incorrect, please let me know, thanks. There are also links to other sites, such as MGM and GateWorld.
I have placed the Midway Station under Spaceships (even though technically it isn't one) as it's situated in space.
Sections organised by episode where possible.
- Carter's Office (layout, Joe's blog): HERE
- The Photos in Sam's Office (set photos, Joe's blog): HERE, HERE and HERE
- Sheppard's Quarters (layout, Joe's blog): HERE and HERE
- Keller's Lab (layout, Tabula Rasa, Joe's blog): HERE
- Science Lab and Crystal Entity (set photo, Doppelganger, MGM): HERE
- McKay's Quarters (layout, Miller's Crossing but not seen on screen, Joe's blog): HERE
- Conference Room (layout, This Mortal Coil, Joe's blog): HERE
- Gym (layout, This Mortal Coil, Joe's blog): HERE
- Brig (layout, This Mortal Coil, Joe's blog): HERE
- ND Balcony Level 2 (layout, This Mortal Coil, Joe's blog): HERE
- Replicator Lab (set photos, Be All My Sins Remember'd, MGM): HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Infirmary (set photos, Quarantine, MGM): HERE, HERE and HERE
- Transporter (inside) (set photos, Quarantine, MGM): HERE
- Gateroom Crosswalk (layout, Quarantine, Joe's blog): HERE
- Atlantis and Main Tower Close Up (graphic, Quarantine, Joe's blog): HERE
- Botany Lab and Plant Room (layout, Quarantine, Joe's blog): HERE
- Carter's Office (chairs) (set photo, Midway, MGM): HERE
- Infirmary Outside Operating Room (layout, The Kindred I, Joe's blog): HERE
- Gear-Up Room (layout, The Kindred I, Joe's blog): HERE
- Corridor (set photo, The Last Man, MGM): HERE
- Control and Gate Rooms (set photos, The Last Man, MGM): HERE, HERE and HERE
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- Puddle Jumper (set photos, Adrift, MGM): HERE and HERE
- Puddle Jumper (set photo, Lifeline, MGM) : HERE
- Aurora-Class Ship (auxilary control room) (set photos, Travelers, MGM): HERE and HERE
- Apollo's Symbol (set photo, Joe's blog): HERE
- Apollo Layout for Bridge, Holding Room & Lab (layout, Outcast, Joe's blog): HERE
- Wraith Cruiser Design (I think) (graphic, Midway, Joe's blog): HERE
- Midway Station (control room) (set photos, Midway, MGM): HERE, HERE, HERE,
- Midway Station (corridors) (set photos, Midway, MGM): HERE, HERE, HERE
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Earth and Offworld:
- Wraith Facility (set photos, Reunion, MGM): HERE and HERE
- Athosian Tent (from dream sequence) (set photo, Doppelganger, MGM): HERE
- Rope Bridge (New Athos) (set photos, Missing, MGM): HERE, HERE and HERE
- Miller's House (outside) (set photo, Miller's Crossing, MGM): HERE
- Miller's House (kitchen) (set photos, Miller's Crossing, MGM): HERE and HERE
- Wallace's Lab (set photo, Miller's Crossing, MGM): HERE
- Wallace's Lab (graphic, Miller's Crossing, Joe's blog): HERE
- Medical Room (graphic, Miller's Crossing, Joe's blog): HERE
- Wraith Cloning Facility (I think) (graphic, Spoils of War, Joe's blog): HERE
- Wraith Queen Throne (inside Cloning Facility) (graphic, Spoils of War, Joe's blog): HERE
- Wraith Queen Throne (inside Cloning Facility) (graphic, Spoils of War, MGM): HERE
- Walls (Inside Cloning Facility) (graphic, Spoils of War, Joe's blog): HERE
- Weapon Console and Ruins (set photos, Harmony, MGM): HERE, HERE, HERE,
- Weapon Console (in storage) (photo, Harmony, Joe's blog): HERE
- Sheppard's Father's House (inside, bar area) (set photo, Outcast, MGM): HERE
- The Mine (set photo, Trio, MGM): HERE
- The Mine (set photos, Trio, Joe's blog): HERE, HERE and HERE
- Wraith Lab (layout, Kindred I, Joe's blog): HERE
- Kannan's Funeral Pyre (graphic, Kindred I, Joe's blog HERE
- Michael's Facility (set photo, Kindred I, MGM): HERE
- Offworld Bar (set photos, Kindred II, MGM): HERE, HERE and HERE
- Michael's Facility (set photo, Kindred II, Joe's blog): HERE
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- Crystal Entity (set photo, Doppelganger, MGM): HERE
- Male Wraith (set photo, Travelers, MGM): HERE
- Wraith Queen (set photo, Spoils of War, MGM): HERE
- Wraith Drones (set photo, Midway, MGM): HERE
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- Rodneyana Villosa plant (graphic, Tabula Rasa, Joe's blog): HERE
- Data Screen (graphic, Tabula Rasa, Joe's blog): HERE
- Wooden Throne (Andy Mikita, director, sitting in it) (photo, The Seer, Joe's blog): HERE
- Data Screen (graphic, The Seer, Joe's blog): HERE
- Crystal-Lattice Motherboard (graphic, This Mortal Coil, Joe's blog): HERE
- The Painting (photos, Harmony, Joe's blog): HERE and HERE
- Wraith Ultrasound Console (grapic, Kindred II, Joe's blog): HERE
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