and Photos from Joe Mallozzi's blog - General:
Earth and Offworld
Set Visits by Fans
If Joe Mallozzi has not provided details of what the photos
are of or which episode they are from on his blog, then I have tried to fill in the
blanks. If I have missed anything or got something incorrect, please let me know, thanks. There are also links to other sites, such as Stargate Wiki and GateWorld.
- Control Chair (set photo, Joe's blog): HERE
- An Ancient Console (set photo, Joe's blog): HERE
- DHD (set photo, Stargate Wiki): HERE
- Control Room (layout, set photo, Joe's blog): HERE and HERE
- Gateroom and Corridors (layout, Joe's blog): HERE
- Gateroom (set photo, David's blog): HERE
- Gateroom Staircase (set photo, David's blog): HERE
- Long Range Sensors Monitor (screencap, Stargate Wiki): HERE
- Top portion of stargate (set photo, David's blog): HERE
- Stargate (set photo, GateWorld): HERE
- Stargate (set photo, Joe's blog): HERE
- Atlantis (layouts, Joe's blog): HERE
(including Control Room, Keller's Lab/Infirmary, ZPM Room, Balcony,
Halls & Corridors, Weir's Office, Infirmary, Chair Room.
- Atlantis (layouts, Joe's blog): HERE (including
Atlantis Tower/McKay’s Lab, External Tower, Infirmary, Plant
Room, Botany Lab, Control Room Balcony, Corridors and Vent
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- Jumper (set photos, inside and out, Joe's blog): HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Jumper Console Lighting (layout, Joe's blog): HERE
- Jumper Cargo Lighting (layout, Joe's blog): HERE
- Jumper (set photos, console/DHD etc, Joe's blog): HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Jumper (graphic, possibly for a model/toy, Joe's blog): HERE
- Jumper DHD (photo, Stargate Wiki): HERE
- Daedalus Bridge & Corridors (layout, Joe's blog): HERE
- Daedalus (set photos, Joe's blog): HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Daedalus (more set photos, Joe's blog): HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Daedalus Bridge, Corridors, Mess Hall, Engineering (layouts, Joe's blog): HERE
- Apollo Bridge (layout, Joe's blog): HERE
- Hive Ship with Daedalus (check out the size difference) (screencap, Stargate Wiki): HERE
- Dart (layout at bottom of page, Joe's blog): HERE
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Earth and Offworld:
- SGC Gateroom (set photo, Joe's blog): HERE
- SGC Facility (as per S4 Miller's Crossing) (layouts, Joe's blog): HERE
(including Gate Room, Control Room, Lab and Hallway to Lab, Work
Area/Boardroom, Mess Hall, Sheppard’s Quarters, Holding Room)
- Carl Binder and an Offworld Stargate (drawing, right hand corner, Joe's blog): HERE
- Milky Way DHD (part of the dial, set photo, GateWorld): HERE
- Wraith Facility (layouts, set photos, Joe's blog): HERE
- Replicator/Asuran City (layouts, Joe's blog): HERE
(including Core Room, Control Room, Ops Room, Corridors, Holding Cell,
ZPM Room, Puddle jumpers on Asuran rooftops, Puddle Jumper Bay, Limbo
- Midway Station (layout, Joe's blog): HERE
- Midway Station (layout, Joe's blog): HERE
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- Guns (set photo, Joe's blog): HERE
- Wraith Stunner and Holder (graphics, Joe's blog): HERE and HERE
- Wraith Data Screens (graphics, Joe's blog): HERE, HERE and HERE
- Wraith Tablet Screens (graphics, Joe's blog): HERE, HERE and HERE
- Wraith Decor (in storage, Joe's blog): HERE
- Gate Addresses (layouts, Joe's blog): HERE
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Set Visits by Fans:
- Atlantis Set Visit
- this contains photos of sets (as well as actors etc); includes
gateroom, puddle jumper, control chair and Daedalus sets amongst
others. Her commentary for the visit can be found HERE.
Marge's Set Visit
- this contains photos of the puddle jumper, Daedalus, science lab
(often used as Rodney's lab), Elizabeth's office, infirmary, Daniel's
office and SG1 control room. Her commentary can he found HERE.
- Abydos Gate Set Visits - there are two set visits to SG1 sets and locations. Might be of interest even though not specifically SGA sets etc.
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