Atlantis Information


This area designed to be used by fanfic writers and general fans for research purposes.  However, if you wish to copy this information elsewhere, please check out this page before doing so.

SPOILERS abound in many sections for ALL Stargate Atlantis episodes (and some SG1 episodes).

Each episode is divided into the following sections: Timing Information, Personal Character Information, General Information, and Techno-Babble and Science.  The information comes from the episodes themselves, using transcripts from GateWorldAbydos Gate and Gatenoise (the latter site appears to have closed down now).  The sections are not complete and I have now abandoned the project due to RL and other interests.

I have provided a section explaining general fanfic related terms, as well as a links page for sites that may be of use to fanfic writers, as well as other hopefully useful sections for fanfic writers and obsessed fans. There is also a section for photo links (places and objects rather than cast) from Joe Mallozzi's blog, GateWorld, MGM and other sites.

If there is any further information you would like to see, please let me know, and I'll see what I can do. Submissions are welcome and if used, credit will be given.

Season One

Season Two

Season Three

Fanfic and Fandom Terms and Acronyms

General Actor Information
Mainly height, hair colour, eye colour and DOB - not biographies.

Set Photos, Graphics, Layouts etc
Mainly from Joe Mallozzi's blog but also other sources (direct links to photos).

Production Stills and Schematics
A mix of schematics, graphics and photos that are no longer available on the MGM site or have been screencapped from the official DVDs by myself.
Last Update 11th August

Sites of Interest
Mainly to Fanfic writers.
Last Update 14th September 2017

Planet Designations
Where I endeavour to explain something about how these work!

Words to Teyla's song
As sung in 'Critical Mass', Season 2.

Episodes McKay Falls Down In
Just for fun and, unfortunately, incomplete.

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