Let me state first off that you may, of course, provide links to my site wherever you wish, so long as you do not hotlink to images. However, should you wish to repost anything from this site, then you must read the following information. After all, a
lot of hard work has gone into the making of this site, by myself
and others, and it is only fair to give credit where credit is
If you wish to post any story, poem or filk from this site anywhere else, then you must contact me before doing so. I will contact the other authors on your behalf if it is not by myself.
If permission is given, then
you may post it so long as you credit the correct author and, where
possible, provide a link to an email address (that I will provide)
and/or my website for feedback purposes.
Translations into another
language are always welcome, but do please contact me so that I know
where the story, poem or filk will be posted. Providing a feedback link
in this case may not be appropriate and I will leave that decision up
to the site owner.
Photos/Digital Art/Captioned Photos:
Anything of a photographic or digital art nature on this site (except
icons, see next section) that has been made by myself is not to be
reposted on another site without contacting me beforehand.
If permission is granted, I will ask you to credit me and to
provide a link to this site (preferably to the source material).
You may use wallpapers on your computers without making contact with
me. This is about posting onto other sites without my knowledge, not
personal use.
Artwork of any kind that has not been made by myself must not be reposted on other sites without contacting the person credited, either directly or via myself, first.
Icons may be taken and used wherever you wish, that's what they are there for! But please do credit me.
You may post any of the links from any of the Links pages without crediting
myself. It would be nice if you provided a link to this site
on your own link page(s), but I'll leave that up to you.
General Information:
If the information has been compiled by myself, then please contact me
before reposting it. I am generally happy for it to be reposted
on other sites so long as I am credited and that a link to this website
is provided (preferably to the source material itself), but please do
check with me first.
If the information has not been compiled by myself, then I will have credited the person responsible for it. You must contact them, either directly or via myself, for permission.
You may use the information as research for fanfiction without crediting,
that's what it is there for! You may also use it as research for online
discussions etc, the above is only for people who wish to copy the
information and claim it as their own work - this is not allowed!
If something falls outside of the above categories, please contact me first to be on the safe side.
Thank you.