Planet Designations


General Information:

In SG1 - Of the 114 planets in the GateWorld omnipedia that are from SG1, only 1 has a 'M' designation, and that is a planetoid/moon (M4C-862 in the episode 'Prodigy'). The  assumption can then be made that moons/planetoids are 'M' and planets are 'P'.

In SGA - of the 14 planets in the GateWorld omnipedia that are from SGA, only 2 have 'P' designations (P3X-447, mentioned by Ford, and P3M-736, the world they are on, in the episode 'Runner').  It is unclear how the designations work in Pegasus, as all the 'M' and the two 'P' designation planets were planets and not moons/planetoids.

As for the configuration of the designations, of the 128 planets in total on the GateWorld omnipedia, 113 of them follow the Letter, Number, Letter, Number, Number, Number format (eg P9G-844). In SG1 (only), there are 9 that follow the Letter, Letter, Number, Number, Number, Number format (eg PJ2-445), and then there are the planets: PAS-A81, PGG-002, PT1-AA1, PWW-98C, PGG-002, P3X-8596 that don't follow any specific format.

This information is correct up to and including Season 10 of SG1 and the Ark of Truth movie and Season 4 of SGA - assuming that the omnipedia is up-to-date and that I counted correctly!

If you can add to the above, please contact me! Thanks.


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