Word Count: 222
Rating: PG.
Category: Humour.
Story Status: Complete
In response to a challenge on the JumperBay yahoo group, you had to include the line 'the animal looked cute and harmless'. 

Beta: Thank you to Leesa Perrie for the beta-reading.


By Jayne Perry

The animal looked cute and harmless.

Teyla had to look away to stop the smile spreading over her face.  It was so cute, that she wanted to go over and throw her arms around it, but knew it wouldn't be appreciated...

It was at that moment that John looked into the crude hut.

"Nearly ready to take Bookah out for a stroll?" he asked her. "Hope you've declawed him."

Bookah growled.

"I am sure I can find you a leash if you need one," he told her.


Bookah took a threatening step in his direction.

John exited quickly.

Teyla put a restraining hand on the animal.

Turning, she took its face in her hands and couldn't help admiring the fur and the markings on it.

"Remember, no scaring the children," she told it. "The story of the Bookah is an old one. And old stories should not be forgotten."

She watched the Bookah leave the hut and could hear the joyful screams of the children.

Poor Ronon, he would get so hot in that suit, especially as it was well made.  She would have to ensure there were cold drinks for him and straws to drink through.

Unable to control herself any longer, she collapsed on the floor laughing at the thought of him lying on his back having his tummy tickled.

The End

A/N With apologies to anyone who plays GW Eye of the North. GO HERE if you want to know more about Bookah's.

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