Word Count: 286
Rating: PG.
Category: AU.
Story Status: Complete
Summary:  McKay is called back to Earth...

Author's Notes: A tiny bit of dialogue is borrowed from ‘McKay and Mrs Miller’.

For the SGA_Flashfic Role Reversal Challenge - sga_flashfic contains gen, ship and slash fics.

Beta: Thank you to Jayne Perry for the beta-reading.


By Leesa Perrie

McKay was sitting across from Zelenka and working on a laptop when Sheppard entered the lab.

“Sorry to interrupt, kids,” he said brightly, before turning his attention to an annoyed looking McKay.  “You need to pack your toothbrush and head back to Earth.”

“I do? Why?”

“Carter needs help,” Sheppard said knowing that would pique McKay’s attention, which it did, the physicist already starting to preen.

“With what?”

“Your brother.”

Jeannie’s eyes widened in surprise as she stood. “What?”

“Your brother, you know, the one you mentioned a while back.”

“Yes, yes, what has he done now?”

“Carter didn’t say.”

“Of course he didn’t.  Probably something beyond his pretty little blonde head.”

“McKay,” Sheppard drawled, stopping her before she could get started.  It was well known that Jeannie and Sam were rivals, and that Jeannie had a sad little crush on the poor guy.  Not that Carter couldn’t handle Jeannie, far from it.

“So, your brother…”

“Got some woman knocked up and married her, dropping out of college to look after the kid so that his wife could follow her dream of becoming an English professor.  I mean, obviously the world needs another English professor more than another astrophysicist,” she scoffed. 

Sheppard rolled his eyes.

“He might not be a genius like me but he’s at least a Sam, and he just wastes it all looking after his daughter.  Ridiculous!”

“Yeah, sure, whatever.”  Sheppard looked at his watch.  “You’d better go pack.”

“Right, right, of course.”

Sheppard watched Jeannie leave, sharing an amused look with Zelenka.

McKay’s brother sounded interesting and he kind of hoped he got the chance to meet the guy one day.

Maybe he could be bribed for some blackmail material on Jeannie.

The End

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