Teyla's Husband
- a bit of silliness mainly by Leesa Perrie

Notes: This was written before Quarantine (and quite possibly before This Mortal Coil or even earlier!) was aired and was in answer to a teaser 'let slip' by Joe Mallozzi on his blog that there was a marriage proposal in an upcoming episode…the fans reacted with varying degrees of no, yay, who, why, etc… This is what I posted in his comments section (silliness warning):

So, in reference to the episode with the marriage proposal in it, I’ve finally figured it all out (with help from my husband, who will deny all involvement if asked!).

Teyla is pregnant and her love interest is missing, but the Athosian culture frowns on babies born outside of marriage and she is worried her child will be ostracized … so Ronon offers to marry her, only to be interrupted by Rodney who says *he* should be the one to marry her (this is after the break-up, death of, or over-wise disastrous end to his relationship with Katie).  Of course, John then protests, “Hey, *I’m* the team leader, if anyone should marry her it should be me!”


The conversation is overheard and the rumour spreads quickly, within five minutes there is a long queue of eligible (and not so eligible) men waiting to ask for Teyla’s hand in marriage.  She uses her bantos sticks to beat them all off and show that just because she is pregnant doesn’t mean she can’t still kick everyone’s butts … and with ease at that!

Wandering away from the groaning men she has conquered, she finds herself outside Todd’s cell.  Todd asks her what is wrong and after she tells him, he also offers to marry her.  Teyla considers this briefly before asking him his real name.  Reluctantly, he tells her, and she says, “Oh no, I couldn’t possibly marry someone called ‘Fluffy Wuffy Rabbit of Death’.” And so she leaves him, heartbroken and rejected (aahhhh).


The day before the baby is due, Teyla still has not married.  The rumours of her situation has spread throughout the galaxy, nay, the universe even.  And then Hermiod returns (he was delayed returning to his home world and so missed the big explosion, he then spent several months mourning the loss of his people, but as soon as he heard about Teyla’s problem, he hightailed it back to Atlantis).

To everyone’s shock and surprise, Teyla agrees to marry Hermiod, and they are wed later that day …

The happy couple
Meanwhile, suffering from the break-up, death of, or over-wise disastrous end to his relationship with Katie, coupled with his rejection by Teyla, Rodney spirals into an emotional black hole and ends up proposing to … ... (drum roll) … Laura Cadman … erm, okay, so *now* this is getting a bit *too* silly even for me …

So, Mr Mallozzi, sir, am I a genius or am I a … (very sad fangirly with far too much time on her side) …genius?!

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