Fish, Sea Life, Amphibians, Reptiles and Snails/Molluscs
Seahorse Icons
Fish Icons
Amphibian Icons
Axylotl Icons
Chameleon Icons
Lizard Icons
Shell Icons
Snail Icons
Nudibranch/Sea Slug Icons
Octopus Icons
Other Sea Life Icons
These are up for grabs, but please credit me if you use and
no hotlinking.
All icons are 100x100 pixels or less
in size and were designed for
on LiveJournal.
Seahorse Icons:
Fish Icons:
Amphibian Icons:
Axylotl Icons:
Lizard Icons:
Chameleon Icons:
Shell Icons:
Snail Icons (inc aquatic snails):
Nudibranch/Sea Slug Icons:
Octopus Icons:
Turtle Icons:
Other Sea Life Icons:
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