These are up for grabs, but please credit me if you use and
no hotlinking.
All icons are 100x100 pixels or less
in size and were designed for
on LiveJournal.
Domestic Dog Icons:
There are Christmas dog icons over here.
Husky Icons:
Newfoundland Icons: Vizsla Icons:
Basset Hounds Icons:
Schnauzers Icons:
Italian Greyhound Icons:
Arctic Fox Icons: Arctic foxes are not white all the year round, they change colour with the seasons.
Bat Eared Fox Icons:
I think these are all bat eared foxes, but it's possible there's a fennec fox in here (not an expert and Google Images is not always accurate).
Fennec Fox Icons:
I think these are all fennec foxes, but it's possible there's a
bat eared fox in here (not an expert and Google Images is not always