Icarus Base
Other Ships
Set Tours
Unsure of Location
This is a WIP page. MGM are keeping things under wraps at
the moment, but as soon as they allow photos and artwork from the show
to be posted online, I will try to gather what I can and link to it
from here. Watch this space!
The photos are from Joe Mallozzi's blog, Stargate Wiki and, eventually, GateWorld.
More photos can be found on MGM's site here.
Icarus Base:
- Corridor (photos, during set construction, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Gate/Gateroom (photos, during set construction, Joe M's Blog): HERE and HERE
- Gateroom and DHD (photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Dining Room (photos, during set construction, Joe M's Blog): HERE and HERE
- Set (unsure of room) (photo, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Gateroom and DHD (photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE and HERE
- Gate (graphic, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Gateroom (possibly) (graphic, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Kitchen and Dining Area (photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE and HERE
- Corridors and Ceiling (photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE and HERE
- Base Logo/Sign (photo, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Outside (graphic, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Outside (railguns) (photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Planet exploding (FX, Air I, MGM): HERE and HERE
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- Building the Destiny set(s) (behind the scene photos, Joe M's blog): HERE, HERE and HERE
- Infirmary (graphic, 'Space', Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Infirmary (photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Shower Room (graphics, 'Faith', Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Scott's Quarters (graphics, 'Faith', Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Various Sets (photo, graphic, Joe M's Blog): HERE and HERE
- Control Interface/Nexus Room (graphics/layouts, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE and HERE
- Control Interface/Nexus Room (photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Control Interface/Nexus Room Console (photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE and HERE
- Early Corridor Designs (graphics, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Corridors (photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Corridor, Stairs and Window (photos, Joe M's blog): HERE, HERE and HERE
- Doorway and Corridor (graphic, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Doorways and Corridors (photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Symbol (on floor) (photos, Joe M's blog): HERE
- Hot Bunks/Crew Berths (graphic, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Crew Quarters (graphic, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Crew Quarters (under construction) (photo, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Window (photo, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Door Controller (graphic, photo, Joe M's Blog): HERE and HERE
- Bells and Whistles (Joe's description) (graphic and photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Gate and Gateroom (graphics, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE and HERE
- Gate and Gateroom (photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Gate and Gateroom (set photo, Air I, MGM): HERE
- DHD (photo, Stargate Wiki): HERE
- Destiny (external view) (screencap, GateWorld): HERE
- Destiny (external view) (FX, Air I, MGM): HERE, HERE and HERE
- Observation Deck (screencap, GateWorld): HERE
- Observation Deck (photo, Joe M's Blog): HERE and HERE
- Hydroponics Lab (photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Not sure which room (photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Device or Console (photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Mess (photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Carbon Scrubber (defunct) (set photo, Air II, MGM): HERE
- Destiny Control Room, including control panels etc (layouts, set photos, Joe's blog): HERE
- Destiny Bridge, Control Interface Room, Apple Core, Kino
Room, Eli’s Quarters, Observation Deck, Chloe’s Quarters,
Wray’s Quarters, Varro’s Quarters, Young’s Quarters,
Mess, Shuttle, Infirmary (layouts, set photos, Joe's blog): HERE
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Other Ships:
- Destiny's Shuttle (graphics/models, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Destiny's Shuttle (under construction) (set photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE and HERE
- Destiny's Shuttle (interior) (set photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Destiny's Shuttle (exterior) (models, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Destiny's Shuttle (exterior) (FX, Air II, MGM): HERE, HERE
- Lucien Allience Mothership (FX, Air I Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Hammond (external) (FX, Air I, MGM): HERE and HERE
- F-302 (screencap, GateWorld): HERE
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- Offworld (location unknown) (photo, 'Space', Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Gate in Jungle (photo, 'Time', Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Gate in Jungle (photos, unsure of episode, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Plant in Jungle (photo, unsure of episode, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Village Set (I think) (photo, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Gate (photos, 'Air III', Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE, HERE
- Corridor (photos, 'Human', Joe M's Blog): HERE and HERE
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- Homeworld Command Office (graphic, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Homeworld Command Office (photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Jackson in Room (SGC?) (photos, Joe M's blog): HERE and HERE
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- Ancient tech (not sure what) (photos, Joe M's blog): HERE
- Camo Helmets (photos, Joe M's blog): HERE
- Guns (photos, Joe M's blog): HERE
- Guns (photo, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Light sconces (possibly) (photo, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- IOA Offworld Mission Dossier (photo, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Gun and Helmet (photo, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Countdown Clock (Joe's words) (photo, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Telescope (I think) (photo, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- KINO (Kinetic Interactive Navigational Orb, or hover-MALP as it has been nicknamed) (graphic, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Armoured Offworld Suit (set photos, Joe M's Blog): HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE
- Alien Devices (photo, Joe M's Blog): HERE
- Storage Containers (photo, Joe M's Blog): HERE
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Set Tours:
- Gateworld Tour of Destiny Set: HERE
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