About the Authors
Leesa Perrie:
I am a fifty-something female in the Midlands areas of the UK who
likes to write gen fanfiction, though I haven't written much the last few years due to writer's block. I am married
with no children and no pets -
unless you count the wild birds that frequent our garden!
At present, I have written for The Sentinel, Stargate Atlantis and White Collar. Some of my fics are
co-written with Jayne Perry, and pretty much all of my stories are beta read by her.
In The Sentinel, my favourite character is Blair Sandburg, though I do like Jim Ellison as well and
enjoy their friendship. In Stargate Atlantis, my favourite character is Rodney
McKay, with Carson Beckett and Radek Zelenka being close
behind him, and I like the Rodney/John/Team friendship. In White
Collar, my favourite character is Neal Caffrey, though I love many of
the others characters as well.
You will notice I use British spellings,
though I do try to use American terms (or Canadian, Czech etc,
depending on the character I'm writing for), but sometimes I make
mistakes - please feel free to politely point them out to me,
preferably providing me with alternative words/phrases.
I hope you enjoy the stories - comments and constructive criticism welcome - no flames please. Thank you.
Jayne Perry:
Slightly older, Jayne is married with two sons. She lives on the south coast of the UK.
We've been friends for many, many years – since the late
1980's I believe! Due to her commitments, she isn't able
to write as much as she'd like to, but is happy to co-write with
me from time to time, and often helps me to work out tricky plot
details (especially actions scenes) and is my trusted beta. She
has written a few short Atlantis stories that I've posted up on
this site for her, and is a Rodney fan with Radek close behind. All comments (unless they are flames) will be
passed onto her.
Leesa's Bloke:
My husband. Not a fan of TV in general and has never watched
any of the TV shows mentioned above. However, he has had to
put up with an obsessed wife and has absorbed more about Stargate than he probably wants to admit to.
He wrote an Atlantis version of a T S Eliot poem that you can find on
this site (in the Atlantis Fandom section) – I helped with names
of people and places, but otherwise it's all down to what
he's heard me rambling on about. I think he did a very good
job, for not having seen or read any Atlantis episodes or
fiction. I also think I need to stop rambling on about it so much
around him before he retaliates with long discussions about 'fascinating' Bridge
hands he has played…!
Wishes to remain completely anonymous.