Word Count: 431 Rating:
PG. Category: Humour. Story Status:
Complete Summary: Keller and Teyla roam a strangely empty Atlantis.
Thank you to Leesa Perrie for the beta-reading.
Empty Halls By Jayne Perry
Dr Jennifer Keller and Teyla walked down the empty corridor. It felt eerie and devoid of all life.
Turning the corridor they entered the mess hall, which at this time of
day should have been full of the lunch time rush. There was a
buffet arranged by the caterers, but even they had disappeared.
Dr Keller turned, leaving the empty room behind her and Teyla, and
tried her radio once more. But the only person who responded was
Dr Cole in the infirmary.
Moving quickly, she decided to try the gateroom. But that only
had a skeleton crew. No one there knew where Colonel Carter had
The next place to try would be the science labs. The first few
they tried were empty. Then they approached the one Dr McKay
usually worked in.
He looked up and saw them standing in the doorway, then looked at the
life signs detector on his bench and noticed that there were only three
white dots on it.
"Oh crap!" he said, burying his head in his hands, realising too late
that he should have heeded Radek's warning to hide out on one of the
piers with the other scientists. But he had hoped that the Life
Signs Detector would have given him sufficient warning to escape.
"I see you got the memo then. And since there is no-one else around, Dr
McKay, you win the prize." Jennifer smirked at him.
"No, no, you can't. I'm in the middle of an important experiment, life or death, or in our case death, death situation."
But his pleas fell on deaf ears as Teyla dragged him from the room to the jumper bay.
As they approached Jumper One, Rodney could see John Sheppard tied to
the pilot's chair, blindfolded in a bid to stop him escaping.
Teyla pushed Rodney into the co-pilot's chair and then release John from the blindfold and bindings.
"Now we are ready to go see children of M7G-677 to continue with their
first aid lessons." Dr Keller smiled sweetly at the two men.
Rodney whimpered, remembering last time. He and Lorne had been in the infirmary for a week afterwards.
"Thank you for volunteering." Teyla smiled at them. "Oh and John,
I have my bantos rods with me, so if we do not go directly there, the
children will have real injuries to practice on."
John paled.
"Jumper One leaving for M7G-677," he informed Chuck over the intercom.
"Good luck, Colonel. Cleared for take off," Chuck replied.
John couldn't be sure, but he thought he heard Colonel Carter laughing in the background.