Count: 301.
Rating: G.
Category: Friendship. Humour.
Story Status:
Spoilers: For McKay and Mrs Miller (Season 3) onwards.
Summary: It looked at him with cute eyes, but Ronon knew better than to trust outer appearences...
Written for Round 2 of the 2nd Last
Fanfic Writer Standing challenge on LiveJournal. The prompt was:
Theme: Earth Challenge
Word count: Up to 300 (the rules state +20 is okay)
Characters: Anyone from Earth, plus Ronon and/orTeyla
Description: Write a fic taking place on Earth having anyone from Earth and also having Ronon and/or Teyla
Thank you to Jayne Perry for the beta-reading.
By Leesa Perrie
It looked at him with cute eyes, but Ronon knew better than to trust
outer appearences. Cute and fluffy could hide fangs and claws and
poison, so he watched it suspiciously, wishing he had a gun on
him. Apparently, though, carrying guns in this country wasn't
allowed and Sheppard had made him leave his knives behind so as not to
freak out airport security.
Still, he was bigger than the creature and could kill it without
sustaining any serious injuries. So long as it wasn't poisonous,
he'd be fine.
Behind him, the door to McKay's sister's house opened.
"Whatcha doing outside?" asked Madison, before sighting the creature
and giving a squeal; of joy not fear he registered as she shouted,
"Disco!", rushing towards it and embracing it before he could stop
The creature barked and wagged its tail, but didn't attack her, so maybe it was okay.
"Madison, you don't know where it's been," McKay said, appearing in the
doorway and looking at the creature disdainfully. If McKay wasn't
afraid, then there was nothing to be concerned about, Ronon decided,
"It's Disco from next door," Madison explained, petting the creature now lolling in her lap.
"What is it?" Ronon asked.
"A dog," McKay answered with a grimace. "I'm not keen on them,
too eager to please if you ask me. Not like cats. Did I
ever tell you about my cat..."
Ronon ignored the rest of McKay's words as he sat down next to Madison.
"He likes it if you scratch behind his ears," she told him seriously as he stroked the animal.
"Don't know, McKay. Think I prefer dogs to cats." He smirked at
the outraged spluttering behind him. He didn't know what a cat
was, or whether he preferred dogs, but teasing McKay was easy.
And fun.
The End