Word Count: 242
Rating: PG13
Category: Angst
Story Status: Complete
Summary: Set during 'The Hive',  Rodney needs more enzyme

WARNING: Deals with drug addiction

Thank you to Jayne Perry for the beta-reading and to stargatesg1971 for the cover art.

By Leesa Perrie

by stargatesg1971
Cover art by stargatesg1971

Need… want.  Want… need. Need… want… want… need… need…

His angry words had stopped.  His incoherent ramblings.  His accusations and ranting.  His begging…

All that was left was the need… the want… careening through his veins… through his mind… his body….

Need… want.  Want… need…

And hurting…. pain…. hurt… need… want…



Restraints pulling against him.  Him pulling against restraints.  




Drowning in his hunger… falling… hurting… needing…

Salt on his face, running from his eyes…. salt water…

Hand wiping his face.  Cool water… soft voice, tired… wiping away the tears… whispering reassurances… whispering prayers…

Broken… he feels broken…

He feels need….

His voice returns, begging, pleading, demanding.  Full of hurt, of pain, of anger, of hatred.  Yet he doesn’t hate… not really… inside he knows… this is a friend…

But a friend who won’t give him…. what he wants… needs…

He drifts… pain and hurt and anger and fear and hate and need and want and pain and hurt and anger and fear and hate and need and want and…

Sleep beckons… spreads out its tendrils stealthily… catching him… taking him away…

Away from the need….

The want…

The need….

The want…


Tomorrow, he will apologise for the words that hurt… the fear he caused…

Not for the enzyme he took…

He did what he had to do… he won’t apologise for that…

But he will finish what he started… find his team… survive…

Become whole again…


The End

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