Word Count: 145 Rating:
PG. Category: Introspective Story Status:
Complete Summary: Five things about Teyla
Author's Notes: For a five things challenge on stargateland.
Thank you to Jayne Perry for the beta-reading.
Five Things about Teyla by Leesa Perrie
#1 She is addicted to popcorn, which is all John's fault.
#2 She thought the Ferris wheel John had dragged the team to when they
were on Earth was rather tame. She had preferred the Tilt-A-Whirl
herself, even if it did make Rodney feel sick and moan about being
press-ganged into going on it.
#3 She is addicted to chocolate ice cream. This time, Kate is to blame.
#4 She wishes that the ATA gene therapy had worked on her. She wishes
this most when someone is flying her to the mainland. It would be so
much easier if she could fly it herself.
#5 She had wanted to ask Rodney to teach her about their technology,
but he was always in such a rush. Instead, she asked Miko, who was very
pleased to help - and more patient than Teyla suspected Rodney would