Count: 234
Category: Fluff.
Story Status:
Summary: On
stargatecountry, those who signed up for the current challenge were
able to choose to be a Stargate character (I chose Rodney, of course!),
and then were given another Stargate character that our character would
buy a secret santa present for. I was given Vala, and appear to have
ended up writing a diary entry and making artwork of Rodney's gift!
Thank you to Jayne Perry for the beta-reading.
Diary Entry, December 22nd
By Leesa Perrie
I ended up with Vala as my 'secret santa'! Honestly, I didn't know they
were including the SGC staff, I thought it was just for Atlantis
personnel! Or at least, that's what Sheppard (the liar) told me when he
guilted me into taking part. I really need to not let him do that
again. I have nothing to be guilty about if I don't take part in this
nonsense, no matter what he says. Or what Teyla says. (Team guilting is
not appreciated! Even Ronon joined in, though his was more in the form
of a non-verbal glare. So not fair!)
Anyway, I got roped into this and decided on a gift based on the one
conversation I remember having with Ms Mal Doran when she came to
Atlantis. Something about dogs, I think, and her lack of knowledge
regarding breeds. I included a book about cats as well, to balance
things out. (Cats are so much better pets than dogs for so many
reasons, not least their independence and lack of whining and needs for
long walks on a leash.) I hope she appreciates the effort I put into
this! (Well, okay, that Jeannie put into finding the books, ordering
and wrapping them and sending them to me. I owe her one Christmas visit
without moaning about tofurkey for this, so yes, effort from me still
The Presents
(photo manips by me)
The End