Advent Calendar - 25th December 2011
Rodney & Carson

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With Rodney well on the way to recovery, they happily agreed to join him for one last song to celebrate Christmas Day!

Rodney, John, Teyla, Ronon, Carson & Elizabeth

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And now for some cracked silliness from before Rodney was diagnosed!

Santa Rodney

Kav better watch out
Kav better not lie
Better not pout
And better not sigh,
Santa Rodney's going to frown.

He's making a list,
And checking it twice;
He always finds out
Who's naughty and nice.
Santa Rodney's going to frown.

He sees you when you're whining
He knows just what you stole
He knows that you've been bad not good
And so you're getting coal!

O! Kav better watch out
Kav better not lie
Better not pout
And better not sigh,
Santa Rodney's going to frown.
Santa Rodney's going to frown.

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Teyla & Ronon

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And because making Sheppard one of the elves was just too obvious, may I present...

Sheppard the Spike-Haired Flyboy

Sheppard the spike-haired flyboy
Had a very Ancient gene
When Carson diagnosed it:
"It's the strangest thing I've seen."

Then how the flyboys mocked him
Laughed and taunted him with glee:
"Sheppard the spike-haired flyboy,
You belong to history."

Then one dangerous Christmas Eve
Rodney came to say
"Sheppard with your hair so spike
 The Jumper needs your gene tonight."

Then how the flyboys praised him
When the Wraith were sent away
"Sheppard the spike-haired flyboy
You have really saved the day!"

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The first caption was a joint effort, the artwork is my fault, as are the photos that follow that.
Santa Rodney was another joint effort. The blame for Sheppard the Spike-Haired Flyboy is entirely hubby's!

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