Word Count: 74
Rating: PG.
Category: Humour.
Story Status: Complete
Summary: It's a difficult decision...

Author's Notes: The challenge was to use the line, “Which one is it? The red or the green?”, and write it in 5 mins. It took me about 10 mins to think and write it, but less than 5 for the actual writing part, so hopefully that’s allowed!

Beta: Thank you to Jayne Perry for the beta-reading.


By Leesa Perrie

“Which one is it? The red or the green?”

“Red, no green, no red.  Definitely the red.”

“Are you sure?”

“Positive.  The red.”

“Okay, but only if you’re sure?”

“Yes, yes, I’m sure.  Red, not green.”

“Hmm…I don’t know.  Green seems the more logical choice.”

“Logic is sometimes overrated.  Definitely red.”

“You sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure, Rodney.” *eye roll*

“Okay, okay, so…I’ll get Madison the red gumboots.”

“Good, glad that’s sorted.”

“Yeah, thanks, Sheppard.”

The End

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