Atlantis Captions


Most of these captions are of my own making, a few are my husband's fault!  My husband goes by the name of 'Leesa's Bloke', and yes, he's responsible for that poem (see main page)!  Not bad for a man who's never seen an episode of Stargate and never read any fiction...! Some captions are in lolz style, hence interesting spellings!

Atlantis photos mainly from SG1 & Atlantis ScreencapsDedicated to Stargate, Stargate Archive or GateWorld.  Some I can't remember where I got them from, sorry.

Check out this page before reposting anything from this site elsewhere.

Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

 Season 5

Stargate LOL Animals
Pics of animals with a Stargate lolz caption added by me

Advent Calendars
2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011 calendars

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